Designed for Windows Desktop Works best with Dropbox


Screenshot 1
Event Listing View

Screenshot 2
Event Edit View

Important News
This app is now available for download; follow these instructions:

* Click here to download the executable file: PERunCal.exe.

* The recommended location would be a folder named C:\<32-BIT-PROGRAM-DIR>\PSE-Soft\PERunCal, but it's up to you where to place it.
   Note: for 32-bit versions of windows, <32-BIT-PROGRAM-DIR> is usually "Program Files" and for 64-bit versions, it's usually "Program Files (x86)".

* This program uses Dropbox for storing its data, which allows multi-device access. If you don't have Dropbox yet, you can get it here:

* When you run the program for the first time, it will try to set up a Dropbox folder; if you don't have Dropbox installed, it can set up a dummy folder, and you can still enter data, but it will not be accessible to your other devices.

  Last modified 2017.03.14